Level 0 and Level 1 Tuition: $270 for every 4 weeks.
Level 0
In class students: $270 for every 4 weeks which covers one 1.5 hour class per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Online students: $270 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Level 1
Python Level 1, SPER Sets 1 to 6
In class students: $270 for every 4 weeks which covers one 1.5 hour class per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Online students: $270 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Level 2
Applied Python: Raspberry Pi and PyGame
In class students: $290 for every 4 weeks which covers one 1.5 hour class per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Online students: $290 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Level 3
Advanced Python: Object Oriented, Multithreading, Sockets,
TkinterUI Dev, Relational Databases and AlgorithmsIn class students: $310 for every 4 weeks which covers one 1.5 hour class per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Online students: $310 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Level 4
Full Stack Web and App Development
In class students: $330 for every 4 weeks which covers one 1.5 hour class per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Online students: $330 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Level 5
SciPy, Open Source Computer Vision and Machine Learning
In class students: $330 for every 4 weeks which covers one 1.5 hour class per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Online students: $330 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks multimedia content.
Java Class for AP Preparation
In class students: This class is not offered in-class at this time.
Online students: $310 for every 4 weeks which covers one 45-minute private one-to-one lesson per week and 24/7 access to YoungWonks Java Material on the student portal.
For those who opt for more than one class a week, additional classes are being offered at a discount in all levels. Tuition for every additional once-a-week class is only $250 for every 4 weeks.
Sibling discount: $50 per-family per-cycle discount for families with 2 enrolled siblings and $140 per-family per-cycle discount for those with 3 or more enrolled siblings.