Kids computer programming classes
with Private one-on-one

1-to-1 Private Computer
Programming Lessons
with a LIVE Teacher
on Video-Chat
(Not a pre-recorded video)
WASC Accreditation

Accredited by the same organization that accredits
elementary, middle,
junior-high, high and adult schools
in the western
United States.
Check more WASC info by clicking here
Professional Faculty

Professional teachers and coders
with bachelor's
degree or higher
YoungWonks does not hire college students to be teachers
Click here for instructor profiles.
24/7 Access to YoungWonks LMS
Instructor led weekly LIVE classes plus 24/7 Access to the World's best content.
- Incredible Lessons
- Classwork Exercises
- Homework Exercises
- Projects
- Reference Sheets
Blended Learning at its Best!
Focus on computer science and engineering fundamentals
Teaching college and university concepts in advanced levels
One-on-one instruction that’s interactive with instructor (live person) and not a pre-recorded video.
Projects that combine electronics, mechanics, 3D modeling and coding
Self pace hands-on learning
Worksheets that attendees love
Following acclaimed YoungWonks levels and steps based curriculum.
Instructor is able to draw, annotate and type on students screen
Instructor and student see each other the whole time
Instructor sees students screen the whole time