
Coding Challenge for Kids

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events is now open
Register for $1

Participate in the YoungWonks Coding Challenge
California 2025

This Coding Challenge is meant for 8-18 year olds living in California.
Participants can take this challenge in Python, Java or C++.

Register to our nation-wide
coding competitions

Win awesome prizes!

Participants who win Round #2 could get prizes such as:

Coding class scholarship

YoungWonks Class

Youngwonks coding shirts


This competition is presented by YoungWonks Coding School for Kids and Teens.

YoungWonks has a track record of 10+ years teaching professional-level Coding and Engineering classes to kids and teens in the Bay Area and the world.

YoungWonks offers an unparalleled teaching experience with its advanced coding curriculum taught by professional instructors in a self-paced manner. Plus, YoungWonks is verified by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Get a Proficiency Report, Certificates and win prizes! Register today
Register for $1